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How to Ask Your Spouse for a Divorce in Arizona

Thu 30th Jun, 2022 Arizona Divorce Laws

Preparing to Have “The Talk” About Divorce With Your Spouse

One of the most difficult things about a divorce is how to ask your spouse for a divorce in Arizona. There is no doubt a divorce is stressful, so we want to help you out by discussing how to ask your spouse for a divorce. According to Statista, an average of 2.9 out of every 1,000 households file for divorce.

When you’re getting ready to have the talk about divorce with your spouse, it’s important to remember you have the advantage. After all, you’ve had time to prepare and think about how they may react.

This gives you a slight edge in the conversation, so be sympathetic when you deliver the news to your spouse who may not be prepared to hear what you have to say.

Control Your Emotions When You Ask Your Spouse for a Divorce

Even though you may be feeling nervous or scared, try not to show it. Be firm when explaining why you want a divorce, but don’t sound angry or bitter. Remember that this is a difficult conversation for both of you, so try to stay calm and civil.

One thing to keep in mind: don’t assign blame for the divorce on your spouse. It will only make things more complicated and heated during this already emotional discussion. If there are specific reasons why you want a divorce, be sure to mention them but do it in a constructive way.

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Obtaining legal advise from an experienced Arizona divorce attorney is important. It is important for you to understand where you will be at financially, both in terms of the division of assets and family support, and what is likely to be ordered for parenting time with your children.

The experienced attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC can help you understand exactly what the likely outcome is in a divorce. Having that information beforehand will remove a significant amount of anxiety and stress from the situation when you are asking your spouse for a divorce in Arizona.

Choose a Good Time and Place to Tell Your Spouse you Want a Divorce

How to Ask Your Spouse for a Divorce in Arizona.

When you’re ready and confident on how to ask your spouse for a divorce, choose an appropriate time and place.

You’ll want to make sure the setting is free from distractions and that your spouse has plenty of time to talk. It’s also important to keep the discussion private, so try not to have it in a public place where others can overhear.

If you have children, make arrangements for them to be somewhere else so they don’t see or hear their parents fighting.

This will likely be a difficult conversation for everyone involved, but it’s important to stay calm and respectful. It’s best if both of you can walk away from the conversation feeling like you’ve been heard.

How to Ask Your Spouse for a Divorce Peacefully

If you are in an unhappy marriage, it is usually better to ask for a divorce peacefully. This means being direct and calm when you talk to your spouse about it. You don’t want the discussion to turn into a argument, because that will only make things worse.

If both of you are able to stay calm and rational, you can work together to figure out the logistics of the divorce. This includes deciding who will move out of the house, how you will split up your assets, and custody arrangements for any children involved. It’s important to remember that these discussions should be handled as amicably as possible, so that everyone can move on with their lives as smoothly as possible.

Make Sure You Are Safe When Asking Your Spouse for a Divorce

When you’re getting ready to have the conversation about divorce with your spouse, your first priority is always safety. You’ll want to choose a safe place for the two of you to talk, and make sure it’s a time when neither of you is likely to be angry or emotional.

It can be helpful to have a friend or family member close by in case things get heated, but it’s important that they don’t actually participate in the conversation.

Dealing With Your Spouse’s Reaction

Asking Your Spouse for a Divorce in Arizona.

When you tell your spouse that you want a divorce, they may have an emotional reaction. It is important to remember that it is crucial to listen and not interrupt them. You may regret not doing this later on down the road.

Remember, your spouse will likely have a bad reaction when they hear about the divorce. That’s why it’s so important to be patient and let them talk. Don’t forget they need to express their feelings too.

Next Steps After Having the Conversation About Divorce

Now that you have had the conversation about divorce with your spouse, what do you do next?

First and foremost, you should tell your children. This is an incredibly difficult conversation to have, but it is important that they hear it from you first.

Next, tell your family and friends. They will want to know what is going on and they may be able to provide support during this difficult time.

Finally, consider counseling to help deal with the new family dynamics in a divorce.

You should not start dating anyone before the divorce is final. This can be a very confusing time for your children and it is best if they don’t see you moving on too quickly.

Give yourself some time to heal after the divorce before jumping into a new relationship. Divorce can be tough, but with time and patience, you will get through this difficult chapter in your life.

If you need information about a potential divorce in Arizona, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona divorce attorneys have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients in divorce cases in Arizona.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your Arizona divorce case around today.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in Arizona:

Can you get a divorce without your spouse’s signature in Arizona?

The short answer is no, with one exception of a divorce being entered by default. Either a judge in Arizona will issue a divorce without either spouse’s signature after a divorce trial or the parties both sign a Marital Settlement Agreement. The only exception is if a default divorce decree is issued because your spouse does not file an Answer to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage or fails to otherwise defend the divorce proceedings.

What is a Wife entitled to in a Divorce in Arizona?

A Wife, just as is the case with the Husband, is entitled to 50% of the community property and may, in some circumstances, be entitled to child support and/or spousal maintenance in an Arizona divorce.

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