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Protect Yourself During a Divorce in Arizona | Hildebrand Law, PC

Tue 12th Feb, 2019 Arizona Divorce Laws

If you are considering dissolving your marriage, you must know about protecting yourself during a divorce in Arizona.

It is an unfortunate reality that many happy marriages end with a contested divorce.

It is important for anyone going through a divorce to learn about protecting yourself during a divorce in Arizona.

We will provide with some practical information on how you can protect yourself during a divorce in Arizona.

The physical safety of you and your children are most important for anyone going through a divorce.

It is important that you take the steps to ensure your physical safety is secured, as well as to attend to your psychological well-being.

Next, we want to ensure to secure and protect you from the financial impact a divorce may have upon you and your family.

Protecting Your Physical Well-Being in a Divorce

Security is the number one concern when facing a divorce.

If you know your spouse is a potential threat to you, you should seriously consider obtaining an Order of Protection.

You obtain an Order of Protection by going to any municipal court or Superior Court.

You will complete a Petition for Order of Protection on a computer at the court.

You will then hand that Petition for Order of Protection to the Clerk of the Court who will then tell you which courtroom you will need to go to.

A judge will then read your Petition for Order of Protection and will either grant the Order of Protection or deny it.

If granted, the court can prohibit your spouse from having any contact with you and may even prohibit your spouse from going to your home and place of employment.

You may, if you wish, also ask the court to prohibit your spouse from emailing or calling you.

You then have to have the Order of Protection served on your spouse.

A law enforcement officer can serve the Order of Protection on your spouse.

An Order of Protection will remain in effect for one year from the date it was first signed by a judge.

Although an Order of Protection is a court order prohibiting your spouse from contacting you, it cannot assure your safety.

You should speak to a personal security consultant to learn things you can do to protect yourself during a divorce.

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Protecting Your Emotional Well-Being During a Divorce

Divorce can be an incredibly emotional time. It is important for you to try to maintain as much emotional balance in your life as possible.

You should seek out the assistance of a qualified mental health professional for counseling and, if necessary, medication to help you handle the stress of a divorce.

Some people think the court will look negatively upon them if they are seeking counseling or taking medication for depression or anxiety.

However, that is simply not the case.

Seeking out counseling or medication to deal with the stress of a divorce is the responsible thing to do.

Judges are well aware of the stress a divorce places upon people.

Judges are very understanding of the need for a parent to obtain counseling and medication to manage the emotions that go along with getting a divorce.

Protect Your Finances

Protect Yourself During a Divorce in Arizona

The reality is that you are going to have half of everything you did before you filed for divorce.

The court is going to equally divide your assets and debts, so you will have half of your assets and, thankfully, half of your debts when your divorce is final.

However, you also have a lot less income when you move from a two-income household to a one-income household.

The payment of child support and, in some cases, spousal maintenance may help or hurt your finances; depending upon whether you are the parent paying or the parent receiving such support payments.

So, the bottom line if you have to create a budget to determine how you are going to support yourself during and after your divorce.

Some people have no problem being able to support themselves during a divorce while others may have to rely upon friends and family for additional support.

You should also try to reach an agreement with your spouse to pay off and close all credit cards.

You may need to sell your home to obtain enough cash to pay off your credit cards and other debts.

The goal is to eliminate all financial ties between yourself and your soon to be ex.

This will also help to protect your credit score that could be damaged if your spouse fails to pay their bills on time.

Call the experienced Scottsdale and Phoenix Arizona adoption attorneys at (480)305-8300 at Hildebrand Law, PC to learn more about protecting yourself during a divorce in Arizona.

Common Questions About Protecting Yourself

How to Protect Yourself During an Arizona Divorce

How Can I Get a Divorce Without Losing Everything?

A divorce can be difficult and expensive. One way to reduce the cost of a divorce is to attend divorce mediation to settle your case.

Another way to save money on your divorce is to hire a qualified attorney to consult with you about your divorce.

A consulting attorney will not go to court with you, but he or she will prepare you to represent yourself.

Can a Divorce be Put on Hold in Arizona?

A divorce may be put on hold if both spouses agree to put the divorce on hold.

However, you cannot keep the divorce on hold indefinitely.

At some point, the court will require you to either set your case for trial or have the case automatically dismissed by the court for failing to progress in the divorce.

Can You Contest a Divorce in Arizona?

Arizona is a no-fault divorce state. You cannot, therefore, contest whether your spouse can get a divorce.

If you have questions about protecting yourself in an Arizona divorce case, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona divorce and family law attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience successfully representing clients in divorce and family law cases.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your Arizona divorce or family law case around today.

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