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Served With Divorce Papers in Arizona

Served With Divorce Papers in Arizona.

Necessary Steps After You Are Served With Divorce Papers

There are several ways you can be served with divorce papers; so, what do you do if served with divorce papers in Arizona. First, you should carefully read all of the divorce papers that have been served upon you. Those documents will contain information regarding the allegations made against you in the divorce and what your spouse is asking the court to do in your divorce.

Those divorce documents will also contain information about what you can do and what you are prohibited from doing during the divorce case. They will also provide you with information on your next steps in the divorce. So, read the divorce papers carefully and make an outline of the information contained in those documents.

One of the documents that will be served upon you is a Summons. A Summons is a court order issued by the Clerk of the Court commanding you to file a written Response to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

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So, the second thing you have to do is prepare and file your Response to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage wherein you will admit or deny each allegation in the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and assert your own allegations in support of your legal positions. You then file that Response with the court and provide your spouse with a copy of your response. It is important that you file the response with the court within the time frame set forth in the Summons.

It is important not to ignore the papers that have been served upon you. The Summons that was served upon you will inform you of deadlines you must meet to protect your legal rights, such as filing a written response to the petition within a certain number of days from the date you were served with the petition.

If you fail to timely file your Response, your spouse may be able to proceed with the divorce with no further input from you, which is known as a Default Divorce.

You should also consult with an experienced Arizona divorce attorney to learn more about the divorce process in Arizona. You can hire an attorney to draft and file your response for you. The advantage of hiring a good divorce attorney is that they have the experience and knowledge to timely file your Response to ensure your wife does not get a default divorce and to either settle your case or build the most compelling case possible for you.

Divorce attorneys spend their entire career understanding and mastering all of the various laws that apply to divorce and will catch issues or problems before they occur.

If you have questions about what to do if you are served with divorce papers in Arizona, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona divorce and family law attorneys have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients in divorce and family law cases.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your divorce or family law case around today.

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