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Quick Divorce in Arizona

Quick Divorce in Arizona.

Getting a Quick Divorce in Arizona

The quickest way to get a divorce in Arizona is for the parties to first file for divorce in Arizona and agree on all of the terms of their divorce. You or your attorney will draft the proper settlement documents and submit those documents to the court.

Getting a Quick Divorce in Arizona If You Do Not Have Children

If you do not have children, the settlement documents will include a Marital Settlement Agreement and a Consent Decree for Dissolution of Marriage.

Getting a Quick Divorce in Arizona If You Have Children

If you have children, you will need to add a Parenting Plan outlining your agreements regarding the time the children will spend with each parent and agreements regarding which parent, or both, will make medical and educational decisions for the children.

Using this process, you can get a quick divorce in Arizona after 60 days have passed since the initial divorce paperwork (i.e. the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and related divorce documents) was filed with the court.

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Getting a Quick Uncontested Divorce in Arizona

Arizona has laws that help save marriages that would otherwise end in divorce. Those laws are referred to as Conciliation Services. Either party may file a Petition for Conciliations services in the first sixty days following the filing and service of the divorce petition.

You cannot, therefore, submit your settlement documents to the court until that sixty-day time-frame has passed. So, the quickest you can get divorced in Arizona is sixty-days after the divorce petition is served on the other spouse.

However, it may take the judge a few days to a few weeks to actually sign the Consent Decree for Dissolution of Marriage and file that Decree with the Clerk of Court at which time you will be divorced.

Getting a Quick Contested Divorce in Arizona Using a Mediator

If you and your spouse do not agree on all of the issues in your divorce, the only practical way to get a quick divorce in Arizona is to hire a mediator or arbitrator to get you divorced fast.

If you choose mediation, you will meet with a mediator (usually a divorce attorney) who will meet with you and your spouse to negotiate a settlement.

This can be very helpful for a speedy divorce because an experienced divorce attorney can help navigate you through the issues. Oftentimes hearing what an experienced divorce attorney has to say about the issues results in the resolution of those issues.

It is important to know that a divorce mediator cannot decide the issues you do not agree upon. He or she can only provide guidance to you and your spouse to assist you in reaching agreements.

Getting a Quick Contested Divorce in Arizona by Using an Arbitrator

Unlike a mediator, an arbitrator can make decisions on the contested issues in your case. The extent of the arbitrator’s decision making authority is decided by what terms your and your spouse agrees upon in the Arbitration Agreement.

Arbitrating a divorce can be tricky. You may waive your right to an appeal of the arbitrator’s rulings and may limit what the judge assigned to your case can do about an arbitrator’s decision. We suggest using an experienced divorce mediator before you consider using a divorce arbitrator.

Despite those limitations, arbitration can speed up and make for a quick divorce because the arbitration can be scheduled soon after the initial divorce papers are filed. The arbitrator can then render a decision shortly after the arbitration hearing has been completed.

Speeding Up a Contested Divorce in Arizona Before the Court

How to Get a Quick Divorce in Arizona.

If divorce mediation did not expedite your divorce and you decided divorce arbitration is too risky, you will have to resolve your divorce at a trial before your assigned judge.

The best way to speed up a contested divorce is to ensure you quickly disclose all the information and documentation you are required to disclose in your divorce. You cannot set your case for trial until you have disclosed all the required information and documentation.

You can also speed up your divorce by resolving as many issues as possible before your final divorce trial. The fewer issues you have for the judge to decide the less time you will need for that final trial. The less time you need for your final trial the less time you will have to wait for that trial.

For example, your judge may have to schedule your trial six months or more down the road whereas a two-hour trial may fit into the judge’s calendar in the next thirty days.

Even so, a contested divorce can easily take an entire year from the date the divorce petition is filed to the date the divorce decree is entered by your judge.

What is the Quickest Way to Get a Divorce in Arizona?

The quickest way to get a divorce in Arizona is to settle your divorce and submit settlement paperwork to the judge. You have to wait a mandatory 60 day period of time from when you filed the divorce Petition and related documents to submit your settlement documents to the judge assigned to your case.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce take in AZ?

An uncontested divorce takes at least 60 days, which is the earliest you may submit your divorce settlement paperwork after which the judge signs the divorce decree typically within two weeks.

How Much is a Simple Divorce in Arizona?

If both spouses agree on everything in the divorce, the cost doing it on your own only includes paying the initial court filing fee.

Can You Get a Divorce Without Going to Court in Arizona?

Yes, you can get a divorce without going to court in Arizona if you have settled all the issues in your case and present a Consent Decree and Marital Settlement Agreement to the court.

If you have questions about quick divorce in Arizona, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona divorce and family law attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience successfully representing clients in divorce and family law cases.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your divorce or family law case around today.

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