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Arizona Divorce Mediation at Hildebrand Law, PC

Divorce Mediation in Arizona.

Why You Should Choose Hildebrand Law to Mediate Your Divorce in Arizona

You should give serious consideration to using a divorce mediation attorney in Arizona if you are contemplating or are going through a divorce, legal separation, child custody or other dispute.

Our divorce mediation attorneys in Arizona each have over twenty years of experience in divorce and family law issues and have successfully provided divorce mediation services to many Arizona families.

Learn the Benefits of Divorce Mediation in Arizona

There are many benefits to using a divorce mediator in Arizona as opposed to litigating your family law case in court. These advantages include saving money in costly litigation, significantly shortening the time to complete the divorce, keeping the details of your circumstances confidential and not part of a public court record, and being able to reach more extensive agreements protecting both spouses.

The court has only limited authority to enter certain orders whereas you can craft a more comprehensive agreement that goes well beyond what a court would have the power to order. Call our Arizona divorce mediators to schedule your divorce mediation today.

U.S. News and World Report Votes Hildebrand Law, PC Best Law Firms for 2020 2021 2022 2023

How Divorce Mediation Works at Hildebrand Law, PC

The divorce mediation process at Hildebrand Law, PC begins with a free consultation between both spouses and one of our Arizona divorce mediation attorneys at our office.

This meeting takes place, at no cost to you, to enable you to get to know the divorce mediation attorney with whom you will be working and provide you an opportunity to ask any questions you have about our experience, knowledge, and approach to the negotiation process.

The divorce mediation process can proceed in several different ways depending upon your unique circumstances. Call the experienced Arizona divorce mediators at Hildebrand Law, PC to learn how divorce mediation can work in your case.

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Arizona

Our attorneys charge their hourly rate for each hour of divorce mediation. Our Arizona divorce mediator, Chris Hildebrand, charges $400.00 per hour. Our Arizona divorce mediator, Kip Micuda, charges $350.00 per hour.

Mediation may last as short as a couple of hours or can take a full day if the issues are more complex.

If both spouses want to retain one of our divorce mediation attorneys to conduct the mediation, both spouses and the attorney will sign a document retaining the attorney, and a date will be scheduled for the mediation.

Our office has six conference rooms that provide privacy to our clients, and a deli is located in our building should we need to order lunch during the mediation.

What Documents Do I Need for a Divorce Mediation in Arizona

Arizona Divorce Mediators

Once retained, we will provide both parties with a list of records and information that should be exchanged between the two spouses before the mediation.

Those documents include such things as credit card statements, bank and investment account statements, retirement account statements, and paycheck stubs; among other things.

You will be asked to also send those documents to your divorce mediator before the date scheduled for mediation so we can have that information before we begin the mediation.

We will also provide you with a document for you to complete before mediation listing all of the issues to be addressed in the mediation and what your position is as to these matters.

That document will not be shared by the mediator with the other spouse and is intended only to provide your divorce mediator with an idea of where you are at on the various issues.

What Happens at the Actual Divorce Mediation

Arizona Divorce Mediators

On the day of your scheduled mediation, we will bring both parties into one conference room so we can inform you what our role is as your mediator.

We will explain at that time that we cannot (and would not) force you into reaching an agreement.

We strongly encourage you to reach agreements, but only if those agreements are reasonable.

We will then ask each spouse to break out to separate conference rooms. This enables each spouse to speak openly with the mediator about the issues without the other spouse hearing what is being discussed on the issues.

It also allows the mediator to speak freely to you about his experience litigating cases involving these matters to help you form an agreement.

We do not share what either spouse says to our mediator unless that spouse specifically directs us to share an offer with the other spouse.

This allows our mediation clients to have the ability and security to speak freely with our mediators and understand their statements are not being shared with the other spouse.

We will then go back and forth between the conference rooms until such time we believe we have reached an agreement. Once we have confirmed we have reached an agreement, we will create a Memorandum of Understanding.

Either party will not sign that document to provide each client an opportunity to have that agreement reviewed by his or her independent attorney to ensure the agreement is in their best interests and to allow your attorney to draft the necessary court paperwork to file with the tribunal.

What Percentage of Divorce Cases Have our Divorce Mediators Settled

We have a very knowledgeable and skilled divorce mediator. We will drive the discussion of settlement to where we believe a judge would order if the case were to proceed to trial.

We do not, as some divorce mediators do, simply “cut the numbers down the middle” for the sake of resolving a case. If we do not believe the proposed agreement is reasonable, we will not suggest you consider it.

Whether you choose attorney Chris Hildebrand or attorney Kip Micuda for your mediation, we will each bring our more than 20 years of divorce and family law experience to your mediation.

We have settled more than 90% of the cases upon which we have acted as mediators and will bring that same commitment to amicably resolving your case.

If you have questions about divorce mediation attorneys in Arizona, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona mediation and family law attorneys have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients in mediation and family law cases.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your mediation or family law case around today.

Hildebrand Law, PC | Voted Best of Our Valley in Arizona Foothills Magazine.

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