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Benefits of Legal Separation in Arizona | Hildebrand Law, PC

Fri 12th May, 2017 Arizona Legal Separation Laws

#1 Benefit of Legal Separation in Arizona: Give Yourself Time and Space Before Deciding to Divorce

Marriage can be a rollercoaster, and sometimes, couples find themselves at a crossroads. If you’re an Arizona resident contemplating divorce, it’s important to know that legal separation is a viable option as well.

A legal separation can provide the space needed to evaluate your marriage without making a permanent decision to be divorced. We will explore the benefits of legal separation in Arizona and offer insights into why it might be the right choice for you.

#2 Benefit of Legal Separation in Arizona: Financial Protection for Both Spouse

One of the biggest concerns in any separation is finances. Legal separation in Arizona can safeguard both spouses financially from each others spending and incurring of additional debts.

Unlike informal separations, legal separation involves court orders that divide marital assets and debts between the spouses. This means that any financial transactions made after the separation won’t affect the other partner.

Another financial advantage is the ability to maintain certain shared responsibilities. For instance, if both spouses are paying off a mortgage, a legal separation can contain court orders requiring both spouses to continue to pay their obligations, avoiding defaults and potential financial ruin. This protection extends to jointly held credit lines.

Legal separation also allows for spousal maintenance (alimony) arrangements. This can be crucial if one spouse relies on the other for financial support. By setting a specific amount and duration for spousal maintenance and dividing the spouses debts and assets, both parties understand their responsibilities and rights, reducing financial disputes.

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#3 Benefit of Legal Separation in Arizona: Preserving Healthcare and Social Security Benefits

Healthcare coverage is another major concern for separated couples. A legal separation may allow one partner to stay on the other’s health insurance plan if allowed by the health insurance provider, which is not possible in a divorce.

This arrangement can be particularly beneficial if one partner has a pre-existing condition or access to better healthcare coverage.

Additionally, social security benefits can be preserved. Couples married for ten years or more are entitled to spousal social security benefits based on the other’s work record. Legal separation doesn’t sever the marriage bond, thus protecting these future benefits.

#4 Benefit of Legal Separation in Arizona: Potential Income Tax Benefits

Legal separation may allow couples to optimize their tax situations. Depending on your circumstances, it might be beneficial to file jointly or separately. You should seek the advice of a qualified tax professional to discuss how a legal separation versus a divorce may have some positive income tax benefits for you and your spouse.

#5 Benefit of Legal Separation in Arizona: Protection for Children and Parenting Plans During Separation

Children are often the most affected by separation. Legal separation allows for a structured approach to parenting without the finality of divorce. Courts can establish custody, visitation schedules, and child support, ensuring that children’s needs are met during this transitional period.

Parenting plans can be customized to fit the unique needs of your family. This includes decisions about education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. By having a legally binding arrangement, parents can reduce conflicts and provide a stable environment for their children.

Benefits of Legal Separation in Arizona.

#6 The Legal Process of Obtaining a Legal Separation in Arizona

Understanding the legal process is essential. To file for a legal separation in Arizona, at least one spouse must reside in the state. Both parties must agree to the legal separation; otherwise, it will be converted into a divorce petition if one spouse asks for a divorce instead of a legal separation.

The process begins with filing a petition for legal separation with the family court. This includes providing details about the marriage, children, property, and debts. Once filed, the other spouse is served with the papers and must file a written response to the petition.

Compared to divorce, the process is similar but less final. Both involve court hearings, negotiations, and legal documentation. However, legal separation allows for reconciliation without the need to remarry, providing a potential path to reunification.

#7 Comparing Legal Separation to Divorce in Arizona

It’s crucial to understand the differences between legal separation and divorce. While both address property division, child custody, and support, divorce legally ends the marriage. Legal separation, on the other hand, maintains the marital status, allowing for potential reconciliation.

This distinction can be vital for couples who hope to work through their issues or who have religious or cultural reasons for avoiding divorce. Legal separation provides a middle ground, offering legal protections and structure without severing marital ties.

#8 Impact of a Legal Separation on Property and Debts

Legal separation requires a clear division of property and debts. During this process, it’s essential to consider how assets and liabilities are shared. The court will assess the value of marital property, including homes, cars, and investments, and divide them equitably.

Debts accumulated during the marriage are also divided. This includes mortgages, loans, and credit card balances. Legal separation ensures that both parties understand their financial responsibilities, reducing the risk of future disputes.

Any debts or assets accrued by either spouse after the legal separation become that spouse’s sole and separate debts and assets.

#8 Counseling and Mediation as Alternatives to a Legal Separation in Arizona

Before deciding on legal separation, some couples might consider counseling and mediation. These services provide a platform to address underlying issues and improve communication, potentially resolving conflicts without the need for a legal separation.

Counseling can help couples explore their feelings and work through emotional challenges. Mediation offers a neutral ground for negotiating terms and finding mutually agreeable solutions. Both options can be valuable in preserving the relationship and avoiding legal proceedings.

#9 Seek Legal Advice from an Experienced Arizona Legal Separation Attorney

Legal separation in Arizona offers numerous benefits, from financial protection to preserving healthcare and social security benefits. It allows couples to structure their lives while considering the future of their marriage. Understanding the legal process and weighing the pros and cons can help make an informed decision.

If you’re considering legal separation, seeking legal advice is crucial. A knowledgeable attorney can provide guidance tailored to your unique situation. Explore your options and take the steps necessary to protect your interests and those of your family.

If you have questions about benefits of legal separation in an Arizona divorce case, you should seriously consider contacting the attorneys at Hildebrand Law, PC. Our Arizona legal separation and family law attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience successfully representing clients in legal separation and family law cases.

Our family law firm has earned numerous awards such as US News and World Reports Best Arizona Family Law Firm, US News and World Report Best Divorce Attorneys, “Best of the Valley” by Arizona Foothills readers, and “Best Arizona Divorce Law Firms” by North Scottsdale Magazine.

Call us today at (480)305-8300 or reach out to us through our appointment scheduling form to schedule your personalized consultation and turn your Arizona legal separation or family law case around today.

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